So I promised a better post today. It's been a lazy day with the kids, they're still feeling yucky. Not a bad but still haven't kicked it completely. Last night they decided to give daddy a taste of what mommy normally has to deal with, of course its when he wants to watch his two favorite teams play. And the game was only on satellite which is over at his parents place, so he had to miss the game. I feel bad for him but I wasn't going to leave knit night, I don't get out much as it is and he's been hunting a lot. So I don't feel super sorry but at the same time I do feel bad that he missed a game he really wanted to use.
I'm starting a pair of Firestarter socks for my m-i-l for christmas with the Fleece Artist Nova Socks colorway Sangria that I had purchased her. (links are Ravelry)
I'm now patiently waiting for my wool-ease so I can finish all the mittens I need to knit. Patience is waining.