
Turkey Day.... mmmm turkey...

So it's Turkey Day and I'm making sure to post so I don't fail the challenge. Good times. As you all can see I'm posting early, I wanted to post when I new I could, because who knows what the day will bring. The girls are all dressed pretty, and Se is handsome as ever, needs a haircut but that will be remedied soon.

Not much to say, I haven't been through the day yet, T and I are 1-1 in cribbage this morning, he missed being skunked by one point first game.

I'm hoping to get some decent knitting in today, either a big chunk of scarf or a mitten near completion would be nice, and both would be awesome, but I doubt both. I tend to end up running after the children a lot when I'm there and don't get to get much time to just sit. T's at home visiting with his parents and there is football today so you can imagine how much help happens. M-i-l will busy with cooking and that stuff and my sis-i-l has a little baby to take care of and a very rambunctious almost 3 year old.

Well I need to go find a sweater to wear and possibly change my shirt, we'll see what I find.

Everyone have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!! Enjoy your families.

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