Day 30... The End...
Today was just another day but at least T is home but otherwise nothing interesting. I didn't even get to knitting, I just didn't feel like doing much of anything.
Well this is going to be a small post because I'm spending time with my hubby. So hopefully everyone had a good month and I'm off to do some hang time
We're watching Avatar Season 3 on Nickelodeon and snuggling.
Day 29... Wow cutting it close today...
Otherwise, I'm boring and going to start knitting a new hat.
Now I'm going to have a conversation with someone about there speakers at this time of night.
My color meme...
What is says about you: You are an elegant person. You appreciate tradition and wisdom that comes with age. You depend on modern technology and may feel uncomfortable without it.
Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.
Day 28... I almost forgot again...
I did find out about my test results and they were weird, I need to call the doctor on Monday and ask whats the what. I'm not allergic to shrimp but I am allergic to crab, which I don't eat anyway so it didn't really matter. Except I had a severe reaction like I had crab and I hadn't had any. My m-i-l and hubby both think its because the shrimp is handled in the same place as other seafoods and there could have been transfer. Hubby had only heated up the shrimp not really doing any hard boil or broil for that matter to them. So I'm still avoiding all sea food, especially shell fish, just to be safe.
Kids were eh today, we had some very trying moments but in the end its all a test and hopefully I'll eventually win. Yeah right, but one can dream.
Well I'm exhausted, I haven't been sleeping well. My facebook is fixed, I plan to knit some either tomorrow or Sunday for sure. And I'm falling asleep at the keyboard so I'm going to go to bed now. Night all.
Day 27... Happy Turkey Day...
to all that celebrate it, otherwise everyone else have a great Thursday.
We're dressing up in our nice clothes and going o go spend the day with family. I made a pumpkin pie and my s-i-l is making an apple and m-i-l is making a sour cream raisin deliciousness.
I hope I'll get to knit soon but probably not. The kids are watching Speed Racer the movie right now and its awesome they are dancing and chanting "Go Speed Racer" very cute. I love the colors in that movie very cool, I sometimes wish I lived in a colorful world like that. I also love Christina Ricci, she is such an excellent actor.
Well I need to get all the munchkins ready to go and I need to get dressed myself, I wish I had a cute long jean skirt to wear today but of course I don't. ah well I'll figure something out.
Day 26... I have to run...
Otherwise just another boring day, I took a snooze and dealt with children. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I have lots to get done.
I hope you all are better prepared than I.
Off to run, night all.
Day 25... I think this is my post today...
Your result for The Find Your Philosophical Era! Test...
The Modern
25% Ancient, 13% Medieval, 38% Modern and 25% Post-Modern!
Congratulations! You are: a Modern!
(Keep in mind, by Modern, I mean the era which began around the 17th century and ended in the 20th century.)
Throughout the Modern era, philosophers and scientists were forced constantly to do battle with the forces of censorship, philosophical conservatism, and pure inertia.This was the age in which “innovation” was a bad word, and the Moderns were all about innovation. Despite all the opposition they faced, Modern philosophy is the most optimistic of any era. The Moderns seem really to have believed that, for instance, giving men freedom from kings and priests and tyrants will make men happier and better. Their goal was a political community based on reason. But while some Moderns concentrated on becoming more and more scientific, rational and civilized, others, such as Wordsworth and Rousseau, reacted against this trend by turning back to what they saw as the pure, uncorrupted truths of nature. However, the Romantic and the Scientific trends in Modernism are two sides of the same coin. The two are united in their disdain for the status quo and for social norms, and their search for more real, trustworthy truths upon which to build the new society they all dreamed of.
Some modern philosophers: Newton, Voltaire, Bacon, Hume, Rousseau, Hobbes, La Rochefoucauld, La Bruyère, Darwin, J.S. Mill
Some modern artists: Da Vinci, Molière, Shakespeare, Bernard Shaw, Mozart, Cervantes, Swift
Typical modern art forms: opera, comic plays, portraiture, the concerto, the confessional memoir, descriptions of nature
Take The Find Your Philosophical Era! Test at HelloQuizzy
I think this is kinda me, what do you all think???
Today was a day, not a good one but a day. I don't really want to talk about it. So I'm leaving you with this meme that I got from the Samurai Knitter.
Hope you all have a great day tomorrow, I know I am.
Day 24... not much to say...
I really don't know what else to say. I guess, well, hubby is fine, his dad got a small doe and my sister got a decent size one. My m-i-l's birthday is today but she already got her gift, I'll get pics for you all soon. I'm waiting for a call about my allergy test, they just took my blood and send it somewhere. I got part of my TSSSP's big gift today. Other than that not much to say.
Talk to ya all later and don't forget to click the baby and egg dragons, Thank you.
Day 23... Just another day...
My friend Rach is coming over tomorrow, we're going to play the wii and hang out. I need to bake bread for Ju's school and I'm going to make some banana bread, since my friend Emily suggested it I've wanted banana bread.
I didn't knit today because my hands hurt from the mad dash knitting I did this last week, so I rested them today. Although I really didn't want to. Ju and I had cocoa and a movie tonight after the rest went to bed. She did all right until the end of the movie and I think the sugar got her a little restless near the end. MMmmmm homemade cocoa, yum yum.
Well I'm going to go relax on the coach, night all.
Day 22... Widows weekend...
We went over and had teenie weenie chili and wine spritzer as a candle light dinner with my s-i-l Jane and my m-i-l, very nice. The chili was delicious, and so were the cookies for dessert, it was a great meal and I didn't have to cook it, which made it even better.
I'm exhausted now and ready for bed, but I'll probably wait until the kids fall back asleep, its always tough for the tweedles once they've woken up. I'll give them a little bit and then it will be time to put my foot down and make them go to sleep.
Well I'm out of words for tonight so, night all.
Day 21... It's a Friday...
The day went as usual except that T had gotten up way earlier and so he was home early as well. We hung out for a bit and he let me take a little snooze, then he packed up and now is off hunting. I really hope he gets a few deer, we could use the meat.
I've got one fingerless mitten done, while I was weaving in some ends, I of course was stupid and started watching "House on Haunted Hill" not a good choice before bed. So now I'm starting with Season 1 of Buffy, tee hee, I love some of the phrases of how they talked in the beginning. "Do you have an elsewhere to be" HA.
Okay, I'm going to start the second mitt and watch this one episode and then bed.
"Basically its a whole sucking thing" Hee
Day 20... Well that started real well...
Well errands were run after drop off and then we picked up Ju and ran a few more errands and then home and naps. Ra poot on the potty with asking and everything, awesome. Maybe the potty training thing will happen soon.
Well I have to go get tested for allergies and then off to knit night. Everyone have a great evening.
Day 19... Just another day...
On the family front, I caught Ra doing the vampire strike to Se's thigh, yeah not happy with her right now. They were rough housing and I'm guessing he did something she didn't like and that is how she retaliates. He's fine, he was over it in a few seconds, got some mommy kisses and was over it. I don't know what I'm going to do with her.
Ju had some attitude issues as well today, but nothing more than normal, just a lack of following direction and listening. We had a talk about taking better care of the things mommy makes her. I gave an example of asking her how she would feel if I took something she drew or made and I crumpled it up and threw it on the floor for the puppy to play with. Well I think she got the message, because she definitely didn't like that idea and then I explained that's how I felt when she left her nice knitted things on the floor scattered for the puppy to play with. We'll see how much sank through and how much just went in one ear and out the other.
Well I'm off to bed, I know before midnight by almost an hour, but tomorrow is knit night and I'm going to go to the doctor to get tested for allergies, so I figure I should get some rest. Night all.
Day 18... My hands hurt...
Any who, Ju had school today, we were late, I need to get everything going sooner in the morning, I'm going to try 6.30a on Thursday and we'll see how that works. Thursday is going to be a long day. Anyways, back today, I was late getting Ju to school, ran some errands, late picking up Ju, and then a few more errands and home. I put the tweedles' hair into water fountain pigtails, very adorable and when I looked in the rear view all I could see was Ro's piggys over the back of the chair, too funny.
Well, I'm off to finish the hat and then bed. Night all.
Day 17... What a shitty day... literally...
I knit the first pattern repeat of the hat, I have 19 more rows and than the decrease chart and I'm set. The way the yarn is shaping up for yardage I'm definitely going to need the second ball and now I'm thinking 1-2 more so I can make fingerless mittens that match, hmmm, things to ponder.
Other than that not much happening here because I'm in cramp city and dont want to move let alone think of doing anything but laying still, not that that happened even remotely. Did I mention the poo...
Well I fell asleep watching CSI so I'm off to bed. Another not so thrilling day in my life completed and off to the next.
Day 16... Another Long day...
I also worked on the hat for not my husband and that really did my fingers in. I'm typing late again because I got into the pattern and couldn't really stop, almost 4 hours of knitting this evening.
T made dinner tonight, which was a nice change of pace. He made cow heart with gravy (I actually made the gravy) so it was kinda stroganoff-esque, with mashed potatoes and hand pealed carrots steamed. It was a good dinner.
Well I better be off to bed, I'll try to write earlier tomorrow, this right before bed at midnight thing really needs to stop.
Day 15... Where did the time go...
I forgot to mention what happened with my eyes. Well they are basically fine, I'm supposed to be putting eye drops in them but keep forgetting and my prescription really isn't one its -.50 for both eyes, the doctor suggested I get night driving glasses but it wasn't a necessity so we'll see, oh and I need to wear sunglasses if I'm going to be in the sun for more than 20 minutes. yay.
Well no knitting today, I took a two hour nap instead. I couldn't stay awake while I was on the computer or even reading, so I gave up and took a scattered nap. I know I had at least 1 hour uninterrupted. And now I'm going to go to bed. Night.
Day 14... What a day...
On the good news front, my NDS came home to me today and its all fixed, YAY!!! I'm so happy to have it back, and I have a list of games I would like to buy all figured out, now the moneys.
I finished the gray side of T's hat, he made a comment about it not being as deep as before when I tried it on his head. You know, when it had a friggin' hole in the top, so now I'm considering pulling it out, even though I already wove in the ends. I'm going to think on it while I do some other projects, he won't need it until the really cold comes and that won't be probably for a while.
Alright, lack of sleep last night is making it hard to pay attention to what I'm typing so I'm off to bed. I hope tomorrow is better.
Meme about Cussing
Your result for The Verbal Obscenity Test...
Derogatory Devotee
You are 54% capable of making other people's ears hurt!
So, how'd you do?
I'm impressed, you've managed to get through life without going completely overboard on the bad language! No Courtney Love-style socialising for you. You're comfortable with your rough language, but you don't go mad with it, and I'm guessing this makes you less likely to get punched by others. Which is awesome, since being beaten up is such a drag anyway. You might pull out the swear words on occasion - or you might just know all the various slang well. Either way, you know to use a little rough language on occasion, just to show that you mean business.
What occasion, I hear you ask? Well, some people find talking dirty arousing. Sometimes swearing can be helpful in looking tough when one of those hoodlum-types approaches you. Using some language on your boss may also be effective in stirring things up, but maybe that's just me. Either way, be careful, as getting your timing wrong can result in getting fired, or sleeping alone for the next month. Use your good judgement!
I've got some other tests you can try if you like...
What Kind of Celebrity Would You Be?
Find out what your life as a celebrity would be like.
This one's been entered in the current test competition. Why don't you check it out?
The Shampoo Commercial Suitability Test
The Excessive Cuteness Tolerance Test
Say it with me: "awwwwwwwwwwwwww!"
... or are they just really thick?
The Internet/SMS Literacy Test
Do you know your LOLs from your LMAOs?
Are you ready? Are you focused?
The Underwear Personality Test
Most of us wear underwear. Should you? What kind?
If you were a drink, would you tingle the tastebuds?
The Non-Sequitur Personality Test
It won't make any sense, but it's not supposed to.
My first test. Want to know if you're likely to wreak bloody havoc?
Finally, a fun link for those of you interested in brushing up on your swearing skills: click here to view The "Alternative" English Dictionary
Most of the answers from the final section of the test are available through that link, but for those of you who can't be bothered (and for the answers I got from elsewhere), here's the truth about a few dirty words...
Q20: 'Bollocks' is originally an English term.
Q21: Oh yeah, and it means 'balls.'
Q22: 'Cocksmoker' first came from Canada, believe it or not.
Q23: To 'blow one's wad' does NOT mean to lose one's temper. It can mean to ejaculate, or to spend all of one's money. In certain circumstances, the term would be appropriate for both of those things at once.
Q24: '69,' or 'sixty-nine,' refers to mutual oral sex: two people going down on each other simultaneously.
Q25: To 'ranch' means to ejaculate.
Q26: The original form of 'poppycock' - the Dutch 'pappekak' - means 'watery shit.'
Q27: Pirate Pete was playing with his 'scallywag,' or penis.
Q28: Pirate Pete was 'muff diving' by going down on Wendy.
Day 13... Stupid van...
Earlier today I went to pick up Ju and the van decided that when I wanted to leave that it decided it didn't want to start, argh. Fortunately my father-in-law was available to give the van a jump. It worked, were going to investigate further.
I'll expand on the post late I just wanted to get in something before I left.
Day 12... Carry on...
Tomorrow will be a busy day, I have lots of running around to do and Ju has school. In the afternoon, I'm getting my eyes checked, I have a feeling I'm going to need glasses, but watch my eyes will work fine when I get there. Its always that way for me. Well I'm all tuckered out so I'm going to go to bed. Night all.
Day 11... Nothing to see here...
Other than that not much really happened tonight, I'm boring. Tomorrow I have a bunch of phone calls to make and hopefully some laundry done. I'm a thrill a minute. I'm going to go to bed now, night all.
Day 10... I almost forgot...
I'm signed up to do two more classes in January, one is a hat class and another will be knitting 101 again. There was a survey type thing done at the library and I guess a lot of people circled that they would like to learn to knit, so I'm doing the class again. This time it will be an every week thing and hopefully it will work out. I think I'm going to charge the same this time too, $10 does seem reasonable for three seasons in a class. We'll see, I mean the student provides the tools so its only costing me time.
Well I'm off to bed, night all or mornin' if that's your time zone/hemisphere :D
Thank You Ingus
Dance Off with the Star Wars Stars 2008
"Star Wars" - an a capella tribute to John Williams
Day 9... Well it's Sunday...
Okay enough of my introspective, So anyway I went to dinner with Ingus, Catchia, Ian (their little boy that is just a doll), Beth (Yeti), and Kat (Ingus's Student). We ate at Applebee's and dinner was pretty good, we played musical cars too. Catchia rode with me to Applebee's from the event and from dinner to her house. Then from their house, Ingus rode with me to G and Padriug's, then I brought Beth home.
I had a good time at G's and Padriug's house, its really nice and very spacious, especially for two people, they have their own spaces and can breathe. They really got a nice place. Padruig and I had a really nice chat and G should everyone a really "fantastic" picture of someone's idea of knitted garb, we'll just say it was very wrong and I'm totally not in the full know but I know better than that.
Well my monkeys are hungry so I'm going to make some yummys and I'll chat with you all later.
PS I am fine from my ER visit, I just have to avoid shrimp and for the first time I actually had to ask in a restaurant that they make sure that my chicken didn't touch where they grill the shrimp. ugh.
PPS I did get to knit during the classes, that was cool.
Day 8... Clothing for men...
I'm going to bring my knitting, hopefully I'll get a little time to work on T's hat. I'm also thinking of stopping at local yarn store, if they're open that is, to get some alpaca for my m-i-l for a hat. We'll see.
Well I'm going to go get ready to leave, those that will be their, see ya there, those that wont, take care. I'll write up how it went later.
Day 7... I hate the ER....
PS First is cornbread with children's finger marks, Second is Stitch markers from Traveling Scarves Swap Partner, Third and Fourth is snow on the neighbor houses/yards.
Day 6... Why me...
Now it's almost time for knit night, I still have a wicked sinus/head cold thing going on but what can I do but suck it up and go. Somedays life is just difficult, at least Saturday I get to go out and enjoy myself, and I might get to go to an after party.
Well, I'm off so you all have a great evening if that is your timetable.
Day 5... Only in our home...
In other news, I'm on the decreases of hubby's hat, for the first half anyway. I'll work on it more tomorrow, right now I'm watching Lethal Weapon 4 and typing this, gearing up for bed.
Honestly, I swear this kinda stuff only happens to us, why I don't know but hey it keeps things interesting. Also if you notice I finally got a dragon all grown up and two hatchlings, and don't forget the eggs :D, please keep clicking on them, they need the love to continue to grow.
PS If you're on plurk comment your name and I'll friend you, I'm bhuidhe.
Day 4... Did ya Vote...
Today was a long day, we played at the park while Ju was in school, lots of sand in the hair, yay. I did a little knitting while I watched, we were the only ones there so I was able to look down at my knitting for a sec and not worry about someone disappearing. Picked up Ju, today was picture day. Came home had lunch, plurked, knit, stalked some groups on Ravelry and in general had an okay day. Made roasted chicken with celery, carrot, onion, and potato, it was tasty.
The kids were a little moody today but that's really not anything new. Voted after hubby got home from his teeth cleaning and voting. Put the kids to bed soon after that, and now I'm listening to LnV, trying to get caught up and knitting my mystery sock.
And here is a picture of the first cuff (bottom of post), I made one mistake, I knit one row instead of purl, but I wasn't going to fix it, I'm okay with it and kinda like it, I haven't decided if I'm going to do the same thing to the second sock yet.
Also I hate to bug anyone that bothers to read this but could you please click on my baby dragon and 4 eggs, they need as many clicks as you can be bothered to give to live. Thank you.
Day 3... Mondays, Ugh...
I will have a picture for you soon on the hat and the sock. Tomorrow is a school day for Ju, so we'll be doing that and hopefully I'll get some decent knitting time in. I need to remember to get the chicken out from the freezer to thaw out by the time I get home so I can slow cook with some potatoes and carrots in the oven for dinner.
Don't forget to vote tomorrow, and that's the most political I'm going to get. I'll hopefully be more forthcoming tomorrow, but now that LnV is done in my ears I'm going to go sit and knit until midnight and than bed. Night all.
Day 2... Things I forgot...
Worked some on the hat again, hopefully this afternoon/evening I'll be able to start the sock. I also have a few other projects I would like to get done.
Well we're eating breakfast so I'm going to stop and eat but when the mood strikes sometimes you need to respond. If anything interesting happens later I'll add to this post.
Day 1... Knitting news
I watch the Sex and the City Movie again tonight, still love it, it made me laugh and cry and laugh some more. I did a bit of knitting on Hubby's hat I'm almost to my 4" and the start of decreases, I really hope this works out and fits him. I'm knitting it from sock yarn on size 2 needles and it will be double sided, one side gray and one side blue.
I'm also starting up a pair of socks for myself, its the mystery sock for November SKA (ravelry) Group, I'm really excited to get it started, I caked the yarn earlier so that it is all set.
Well I think I'm done for tonight but I will be yacking at you again tomorrow, so night.
PS Don't forget to give my lil' dragon a click
PPS The cornbread