Nap time for me and my girls. . . . . .
Not much happening here, I'm half way done with a baby hat that needs to be done tonite in case the recipient and child go into labor soon. And I really need to finish my ballband so I can get my knit on for premee baby hats. Other than that, my girls are insane and I need a nap. So I'm going to go take that said nap and rest a bit then knit, knit, knit, and maybe I'll through in a clean, but I doubt it since the floor seems so far away. . . .
Here it finally is....
My mid-Aug KAL is finally finished after I decided to change colors and make it in colors my mom liked for a thank you for buying me yarn when money on my end is low. YIPPIE!!! I ended up with SnC Wine and SnC Midnight Magic, two colors I would definately buy
again and again. My Pictures aren't the best, its rainy cloudy, and its a cellphone camera so the pics are a little fuzzy, but what can ya do. I think after the holidays I may try to sell stuff I knit to make some extra dough and maybe I can get a really nice camera. It will have to be a lot of money cause I'm kindof a camera snob. But back to the cloth, I really like the back as much if not more than the front, it looks like a snippet of a Monet or something. It's pretty. I'm now taking the same colors and making a Ballband washcloth as well for me mum to make the thank you complete. Enjoy.
again and again. My Pictures aren't the best, its rainy cloudy, and its a cellphone camera so the pics are a little fuzzy, but what can ya do. I think after the holidays I may try to sell stuff I knit to make some extra dough and maybe I can get a really nice camera. It will have to be a lot of money cause I'm kindof a camera snob. But back to the cloth, I really like the back as much if not more than the front, it looks like a snippet of a Monet or something. It's pretty. I'm now taking the same colors and making a Ballband washcloth as well for me mum to make the thank you complete. Enjoy.
I forgot
I forgot to say that I saw Stephine and Alley (Steph's daughter, she's about ready to pop out a munchkin, Alley that is) and Steph's Hubby at Ren Faire on Saturday. We actually ran into them quite a few time through out the day, it was kind of fun. I hope handled the heat in the sun and all the walking okay, it was tough on me a bit but she is young and not having many, if any, problems, so I'm sure she was fine. I also saw someone else I would have liked not to see, but we won't go into that, it just makes me grumpy. We'll off to feed the monkeys then hopefully I'll get a pic of my new washcloth and get some knitting in. Fun Fun.
Busy, Busy . . . .
I haven't written in a while because we've been crazy busy around here. I had an SCA meeting on Thursday and we all showed up (for the most part) early, so we left early as well. T, the girls, and I were actually an hour early, I wanted to get going and T thought it was later so we left for the meeting way too early. Ah well, it was a downpour at the time was crazy hard and it was probably best that we got going so early so we didn't have to rush in the rain. After the meeting we started working on our little red wagon conversion into a "carriage" for our oldest. I'll have to post some pictures later. Friday, we finished up the carriage and found all our things for the MN Renaissance Festival we were attending on Saturday. We stayed up to late watching Serenity and went to bed at 12:30am, I of course needing the sleep couldn't sleep past 6:11am, grr. I got up made coffee, we packed up the van and the girls, and were soon on our way with my friend Rach along for the ride. The day was fairly uneventful, my oldest tends to get her pic taken alot, especially at the faire, we all dress up including the girls. My parents met up with us later in the day and my parents ended up purchasing me a new tea mug, yippie. I also got a huge jar of Spicy Herb Pickled Garlic and two super cute pictures for my living room/kid room area. The day was beautiful, but the walking tended to get tough at times. I'm definately still tired, even though I was in bed last night by ten and didnt get up until 7am. I'm hoping to do the same tonight, we'll see. My mid-Aug KAL is finished and now I'm going to make a matching Ballband, I also need to get going on baby hats for charity, gift, and my future babe. I almost forgot to mention that I RPGd with my hubby, his buddy Trin and his cousin Bill most of the day, when the kids are awake lets just say it's interesting. Sorry no pics yet, but I will be sure to post some in the next few days. Night all.
4th premee hat
I just posted this afternoon on my SnB group my most recently finished object, another Premee Baby Hat. It's pink varigated, I dont remember the name or brand but if I find the label I'll let ya know. I plan to also make a pink top, pink varigated rib one, and 2 all pink ones and a blue varigated, so that my boy and girl options are equal. Then it's off to gender neutral land, I have some "white", not sure on the color right at the moment, that I'm going to make into hats as well as some very pretty varigated. Ooh I should get some yule/xmas varigated for the holiday babies that are sure to come. My poor brain is a turnin'. But first before I do anymore baby hats at the moment I need to finish my KAL I got a late start because I wasnt happy with my color choices and had to get some new color options (thanks mom for the cotton), I'm actually making the KAL and giving her the cloth as a thank you for the yarn. You know I dont think I've kept but one of the many washcloths I've knit so far, and the one I kept was my first one and it royally sucked. hmmm need to get working on that. But I also need to get my newest-to-be's hat and kimono done and also get the gift hat done, not to mention working on my fetching gloves.
Knit, Knit, knit, I wish I had more time to knit.
Sorry about the soda can.
Knit, Knit, knit, I wish I had more time to knit.
Sorry about the soda can.
Today has totally been a yarn day...
So after my wonderous surprise this morning, I have dinner with the family this evening and go shopping with my mom and sis for my sis's school supplies. I happen to mention the super walmart's lack of knitting and how I heard that Pamida is having a yarn sale and my mom proceeds to take me over there and drop $13 on me in SnC cotton. I feel like the luckiest girl around right now, especially in yarn world. And to make it even better she then takes us out for DQ, mmm chocolate chip cookie dough, oreo cookie, banana blizzard, and no that isn't a prego thing, its actually an every time blizzard thing. Then when I got home I showed me mum all of the wonderful things kristy had given to me and she ooed and ahhed as well. Yeah for today, lets hope the rest of the week can keep up. :D
Yeah .99 yarn, I promised I would make my mom a dishcloth or two from all of this, no prob mom, I have a couple of patterns in mind already, a ballband sounds good and the current KAL would be awesome as a set dont ya think. :)
Yeah .99 yarn, I promised I would make my mom a dishcloth or two from all of this, no prob mom, I have a couple of patterns in mind already, a ballband sounds good and the current KAL would be awesome as a set dont ya think. :)
Tears.... Of JOY...
So I had a great surprise today, and I'm tearing up from it, I promise it isn't just the pregnancy hormone thing. A wonderful lady named Kristy sent me some yarn that we were making a trade for, yarn for bamboo needles(I'm not a fan of that style needle), when as she put it, "In Knitty terms, you've been RAKed (Random Act of Kindness)!" I'm honestly thoroughly surprised, she said she threw in some extra yarn in an email and I honestly thought, oh cool she had some cotton or something she wasn't hot on and is passing it on in hopes I'll like it. Instead I get this very heavy box filled plum full of beautiful yarn. I'm flabbergasted. She also sent the most beautiful stitch markers, and here I've been using rubber binders for the hair, you know the really really little ones. Here are some picks, I don't think I can think of anyway to repay her more than to say Thanks!!! and I'm definitely going to have to knit her something more than my measly bookmark/badge thing. Man, I'm just floored. I've only once had such fine yarn and that is still not in comparison, especially with all my monkeys, now I have some yarn to make them each something very special.
And here are the beautiful stitch markers she sent me, I believe she made them herself just for me, I LOVE THEM. The only st mrkrs I have right now are the boye ones I bought and the rubber binders so this is an extra special treat. They have beads with either a flower like design on them or knotwork, and are a beautiful blue with green and gold flecks.
None of the pictures do any of this stuff justice, but that is what I can give with my camera phone. I have a really nice camera but it isn't digital so I would have to develop the film and wait, and who wants to wait with all these lovelies to post about. In the end I guess all I can say is THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU AND THANK YOU. Ah now to knit, oh the options available, and now I have a STASH, eek. :D :D :D :D
Oh I almost forgot the stipulation, I have to knit a pair of fetching gloves, that is obvious because that was the reason for the yarn/needle exchange, but I also need to knit something else for myself with the yarn given, oh the options and I think at the moment it will be a hard choice. eek eek squeak eek yippie *GRIN*
Here is some of the yarn, I tried to put like colors together, here's the raspberries and purples, love them. Keep looking down.
Here there is a beautiful green, the white yarn I believe was what the original trade was for, and some really cool multicolored yarn, I believe in the letter that this is the recycled sari silk, I love the feel, look, and colors. Oh wait and there's more.
Some more beautiful greens, raspberries, and some lovely rose. And that still isn't everything that was in this tightly packed box.
And here are the beautiful stitch markers she sent me, I believe she made them herself just for me, I LOVE THEM. The only st mrkrs I have right now are the boye ones I bought and the rubber binders so this is an extra special treat. They have beads with either a flower like design on them or knotwork, and are a beautiful blue with green and gold flecks.
None of the pictures do any of this stuff justice, but that is what I can give with my camera phone. I have a really nice camera but it isn't digital so I would have to develop the film and wait, and who wants to wait with all these lovelies to post about. In the end I guess all I can say is THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU AND THANK YOU. Ah now to knit, oh the options available, and now I have a STASH, eek. :D :D :D :D
Oh I almost forgot the stipulation, I have to knit a pair of fetching gloves, that is obvious because that was the reason for the yarn/needle exchange, but I also need to knit something else for myself with the yarn given, oh the options and I think at the moment it will be a hard choice. eek eek squeak eek yippie *GRIN*
So I finished two more hats for my knitting group tonight. You can find pictures that I've posted here and I'll put one or two on the bottom of this blog too. I think they are super cute, they fit my daughters' smallest baby dolls, you know the ones that barely fit in an adults hand but are actually proportional to a 1 or 2 year old. One hat is all baby blue and the other is baby blue top with a varigated blue ribbed bottom. The latter is just a smidge bigger and they are both made from cotton. I kind of find it funny that the two hats are made from the first one I made and frogged. I actually could have gotten farther with the two yarned one but I opted for the diffrent colored ribbing straight up instead of halfway through it. I think I'll make a couple pinkish ones next, since I've made three blue, and then maybe some white ones for the more gender nuteral look, or white and green would be cool too. We'll see, I'm tired for now, two was enough for one day, especially since we were RPGing at the same time.
Premee Baby Hats
So I finished the baby hat last night at knitting group and forgot to take a quick pick with my camera phone, oops. That's okay though because I frogged the first one and I'm re-knitting that one, so I'll just take a pic of that one when it's done. We have a lot of hats done already, when I left last night it was nearly 20 and if the ladies stayed late, I'm sure they got a bunch more done. Well I'm off to create a blog for our group, we'll see if it works out. Then to knit, I have KAL to get caught up on after I frog and choose a diffrent color combo and a baby hat or three to do.
So You Think You Can Dance.........
YIPPIE!!!! Benji won SYTYCD!!!!!!! I'm so happy, he is the one I thought should win the most, although all four of the finalists were great and Travis definately exceled. Benji just rocked it in everything he did and he always brought the right kind of energy to the performance to make it come off without a hitch. I also called the last performance being the Tranji one, I figured after they cut the girls that that was what would happen, It made the most sense. I think it was a better performance of it last week, but I also think they all did a ton more dancing tonight and that can make the last dance not necessarily the best. Now Travis can go work with Mia Michaels, like she stated earlier in the show, but of course that will be after the tour. I wonder how Benji is going to do the Celine Dion show and the tour??? Maybe he isn't going to do both, but the tour says the top 10 finalists, so I'm not sure. You can read an article on the songs and performances of tonight's show here. As was expected some are unhappy with the results but America voted and I agree, so pbbt. :D Well time for a shower and bed, tomorrow's going to be a toughy, I have a doc appt at 2:45 and that is the middle of juju's nap and just the end of the twins, so that means I get to either wake them up or go early and hope they'll take a snooze in the van while I knit, either way it's going to majorly suck. Why does the appt desk never listen to me, oye? Well off I go, hopefully we'll get a date set either tomorrow or soon, I know I want to know.
Here it is...
Here is the bookmark, It is actually two diffrent colors, but the computer didnt really catch it. And it's embroidery floss again, I think I like seeing a pattern grow on such a small format and it seems to be quicker to knit, which I really don't understand because it is the same amount of stitches?!?! Also, in person it is really hard to read the KNIT part, but what can ya do. I actually designed it to be a patch or badge type thing but it could also be a bookmark. Well whichever it is off in to the mail.
Well, I'm going to try knitting another baby hat and watch So You Think You Can Dance.
Well, I'm going to try knitting another baby hat and watch So You Think You Can Dance.
Bad Premee Hat
So as you can see to the right, I've finished the premee hat, I hate it. I mean it will work and all but the pattern was way vague and ended up being to big and not big enough all in one. The width of the hat is way to large and I even used a doll that was premee sized, but the length was way to short, it honestly looks more like a yamica than a premee hat. Grr and all that time I spent on it is now wasted. Let's just say I'm a bit frustrated.
This weekend....
Definately a busy weekend, I got started on my premee hat, frogged it, restarted, tinked some, now I've got it. That's what I get for using vague directions. Ah well.
It was my dad's 50th birthday and sister's 21st birthday party on Saturday, lots of people showed, my sis was bummed not as many for her. But what do ya do. I still owe her a bottle of some type of booze, we'll see what I find, I hate buying any kind of liquor when I'm pregnant. Too many dirty looks.
T & I also had some new friends over Friday evening and Sunday afternoon for RPGing T's new game he created. It was fun and nice to hang with some new faces, even if we miss the old. After Sunday's session we went to the In-law's for dinner and hung out for a bit, I think the girls had fun hanging out with Grandma Teri. She has new and different toys you know.
Saturday morning before we were off to Grandma Tee and Grandpa Mike's house for the party, we had quite the adventure and you may not want to keep reading if your not a Gross kid story fan.
The twins decided taking off their poopy diapers in the middle of the night and sleeping amoung their shat was a good idea. T was gone for the morning, golfing with my dad for his birthday, so I was alone to scrub both girls in the sink, lets just say, GROSS. And definately not my ideal way to wake up and start being motivated in the morning. Oye friggin' vaye.
It was my dad's 50th birthday and sister's 21st birthday party on Saturday, lots of people showed, my sis was bummed not as many for her. But what do ya do. I still owe her a bottle of some type of booze, we'll see what I find, I hate buying any kind of liquor when I'm pregnant. Too many dirty looks.
T & I also had some new friends over Friday evening and Sunday afternoon for RPGing T's new game he created. It was fun and nice to hang with some new faces, even if we miss the old. After Sunday's session we went to the In-law's for dinner and hung out for a bit, I think the girls had fun hanging out with Grandma Teri. She has new and different toys you know.
Saturday morning before we were off to Grandma Tee and Grandpa Mike's house for the party, we had quite the adventure and you may not want to keep reading if your not a Gross kid story fan.
The twins decided taking off their poopy diapers in the middle of the night and sleeping amoung their shat was a good idea. T was gone for the morning, golfing with my dad for his birthday, so I was alone to scrub both girls in the sink, lets just say, GROSS. And definately not my ideal way to wake up and start being motivated in the morning. Oye friggin' vaye.
Trying to make those...
I'm trying to make those nifty progress bar things we'll see how this goes.
So there it is, not so hard after all, thanks to knitticisms' tutorial Yeah progress bars, I should put my finished ones on there so I feel good about myself :D. I probably wont though, now to get the tabs off of the progress bar part, that's for tomorrow or maybe the week after. night all.
So there it is, not so hard after all, thanks to knitticisms' tutorial Yeah progress bars, I should put my finished ones on there so I feel good about myself :D. I probably wont though, now to get the tabs off of the progress bar part, that's for tomorrow or maybe the week after. night all.
My eyes are watching...
Something to keep my eye on even if I cant participate right at this time . . . maybe one of you out there will decide to instead.
International Scarf Exchange
Tote Exchange
Celia's Knitting Adventures Blog Is a blog by one of the people that runs the scarfexchange.
International Scarf Exchange
Tote Exchange
Celia's Knitting Adventures Blog Is a blog by one of the people that runs the scarfexchange.
Finished Project - Dice bag
I did it I finished my dice bag, yeah me. It isnt huge or anything and was really simple, but it is still finished, that means my needles are open for my next project. I'm shooting for at least 10 rows a day, being as my hubby has put in xmas/Yule gift giving requests. I think he needs to learn how to knit to help me. yeah right.
Sorry about the repeat pictures and the poor quality, I tried to get the best ones in there but my camera way sucks. It's just a cheapy free digital by philips that also plays as a web cam, it sucks in the picture taking realm of things. But hey I have pictures.
Also check back to July 27th blog, I finally posted my mid-month KAL blog that I had started and drafted, let me know what ya'll think.
Sorry about the repeat pictures and the poor quality, I tried to get the best ones in there but my camera way sucks. It's just a cheapy free digital by philips that also plays as a web cam, it sucks in the picture taking realm of things. But hey I have pictures.
Also check back to July 27th blog, I finally posted my mid-month KAL blog that I had started and drafted, let me know what ya'll think.
WIPs and wannabe WIPs
So right now on the needles, let's see, I have:
*A dice bag of my own creation, based loosely off a soda can cozy.
*A lighthouse washcloth that I will more than likly frog because I would rather use the yarn for something else.
*A handtowel to go with a set I'm making for a xmas/yule gift. The washcloth I will post eventually (it was July's mid month KAL) and a scrap soap holder I made with the same yarn and variated same pattern, pics to come.
*My first pair of socks, I just finished the rib and did a few rows of straight knitting, boring. ugh I should really work on these as they are for me for once.
*Slippers for SCA wear for my munchkins.
*A poncho for my oldest's baby doll.
* and I know there is something else but I can't think of it.
Now for the Wannabes or shouldbes
*I would love a pair of Fetching fingerless gloves for me and it would be a great learning experience for cables.
*A baby hat made for charity (this will be a WIP soon)
*A beanie for my hubby, he lost his favorite winter hat in Colorado when we visited my parents (long story), anyway so he wants a new one, I need to find the right yarn first, I want it to be nicer than the one he used to have.
*A scarf pattern I've been drooling over.
*Winter caps for my girls.
*Winter caps to sell.
*A baby hat that is for a young girl due soon (its technically part of her baby shower gift but I wanted her to pick the color)
*Many more dishclothes including the ones that go with my KAL group.
*And many xmas/yule gifts, argh.
*Kimono from MD book for my coming son and a beanie for him too, October can be chilly or roasting hot so I need to be prepared.
Sheesh with this list I better get knitting.
*A dice bag of my own creation, based loosely off a soda can cozy.
*A lighthouse washcloth that I will more than likly frog because I would rather use the yarn for something else.
*A handtowel to go with a set I'm making for a xmas/yule gift. The washcloth I will post eventually (it was July's mid month KAL) and a scrap soap holder I made with the same yarn and variated same pattern, pics to come.
*My first pair of socks, I just finished the rib and did a few rows of straight knitting, boring. ugh I should really work on these as they are for me for once.
*Slippers for SCA wear for my munchkins.
*A poncho for my oldest's baby doll.
* and I know there is something else but I can't think of it.
Now for the Wannabes or shouldbes
*I would love a pair of Fetching fingerless gloves for me and it would be a great learning experience for cables.
*A baby hat made for charity (this will be a WIP soon)
*A beanie for my hubby, he lost his favorite winter hat in Colorado when we visited my parents (long story), anyway so he wants a new one, I need to find the right yarn first, I want it to be nicer than the one he used to have.
*A scarf pattern I've been drooling over.
*Winter caps for my girls.
*Winter caps to sell.
*A baby hat that is for a young girl due soon (its technically part of her baby shower gift but I wanted her to pick the color)
*Many more dishclothes including the ones that go with my KAL group.
*And many xmas/yule gifts, argh.
*Kimono from MD book for my coming son and a beanie for him too, October can be chilly or roasting hot so I need to be prepared.
Sheesh with this list I better get knitting.
Woodbury Knitting Group
Yeah for knitting group Thursday. I had a good time talking to everyone and I even got ten rows of knitting done, I know it isnt really much, but when you love to talk like I do, well. You can guess. I also got to kind of help someone and find out that one of the ladies is going to come over with her munchkins next week. Better tidy up this weekend :D, of course, this is a precursor to them destroying it all in minutes, if not seconds, like my monkeys did today. I love them but do they really need to pull everything off the shelves and dump all of there toy buckets, oye friggin' vaye. Well off to beddy by. Happy knitting all, I will get around to scanning and posting mid-july one of these days and when august's is done I'll post that too. On another note, bummer on not getting to go to an SCA event this weekend, not enough funds after the twins bday weekend, ah well. Maybe next year.
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