
So, it was an okay weekend,

T never told me about the bbq his sis and hubby were having so that was cranky making, but other wise the weekend was relatively good. I got 4 skeins of some Norwegian wool (at least I think that's what the sign said there's no band) it's supposed to be great for felting, and for $3.50 each you really can beat it. A ball of Sockotta in a very strange color. A tea cozy pattern and the felted clogs, the copy didn't copy well. I also got a free pattern for a rug. I then went to Ikea and spent way too much on little crap that wasn't necessarily needed but would be useful. I did all this with my sister and than my sister, my mom, my sis's future m-i-l and s-i-l all met up at the Mall of America and we did a little shopping on the first level, ate dinner at the Rainforest Cafe and my mom got me a new pair of cross trainers for working out. We then had to haul ass cause my sister had another engagement and was going to be late. So my mom rode home with me so I could get gas and not worry about the monkeys. T got home late (2 am) and chattered my ear off trying to tell me all that happened with the sca fighting, I hadn't been able to sleep until he got home and then he wouldn't let me finally go to sleep, but I love him. On Sunday we went to Teri's for some hanging out and picking up of the Ju, we had some bbq chicken and potato salad, did some general just moving and picking up of things and played two hands of double cribbage (we're tied). Other than that, not much happened.

I'm going to a sheep sheering festival mothers day weekend Sunday and I'm way excited, there is to be tons of vendors and lots for kids to see. And T is going with me. Yea! :D

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