
It's F-ing cold out there...

It was so cold on Sunday, I almost got frost bit running from my house to the van, and when I say that isn't very far, I'm not kidding on the cold. I had to run to my parents (a whole 5 miles) to finish our taxes and of course the van is on E, argh, so I had to do that on the way too. When I got to my parents place I was a bit worried about my calves (there was just about a 3 inch section below the knee exposed)(I know, I'm stupid) that was really tingling, not good. But at least they didn't stop until I was inside instead of outside where it would have been frost bite then. Some days I seriously need to think about things a little better.

I'm still working on the shawl, but not as much as I should. I'm going to make a point of working on it this afternoon, I really need to get it done so I can do other stuff, like finish the mittens for the girls and stuff for T and maybe even something for me, as well as the socks for my m-i-l and the scarf for Gran and oh yeah all the stuff I promised for my mom, argh, argh, arggggggghhhhhh. I need to knit faster and maybe an extra pair of hands, and the need for less sleep and more hours in a day, oye friggin vay.

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