
Ahhhh, there's how many days until Christmas....

Well here is my newly revised Holiday Knit List, oye. I've got lots to do and not enough time in the day. Knittin Brit in WI had asked how I was doing in the comments, so I thought I would just post it here for all of you.

Well better get back to that knitting and I have some pics to take for you all as well. Hope the mails here early today, I'm going nutty for my yarn, mittens are an addiction, don't say I didn't warn you.

No more every day, but I'll try to do better...

I'll have some finished project posts for you in the next couple of days. I started Se's mittens before the Debbie Stoller thing friday night and finished them this evening. I actually did the 2nd mitten in one day. Pretty awesome.

Well I didn't win in the contest for NaBloPoMo, but that's nothing new, I used all of that kind of luck up when I was a kid. It was still a great experience, and quite the challenge. I'm going to try to post more than I used to, but I'm not going to do that everyday thing, no way. I have way to much knitting to do.

Speaking of knitting to be done, I was going to do a toe up design for my m-i-l for the holidays but I changed my mind and I'm going to do a top down instead. I just don't have the time to commit to a new technique right now with all the holiday knits that need to be done.

Well I'm off to bed, see ya all real soon.