
WANTED: Spinning Wheel, HELP

So I need some help from all of you knowledge-filled knitters/spinners out there. I would like to get a spinning wheel, it needs to be compact, I think a single treadle would be best but don't really know the difference, I would like to do mostly wool and other animal fiber. Other than that and most importantly it needs to be very affordable, and that is above all, especially the compact. So please, please help me.

Thanks ahead of time.

Carry on.


  1. Hi there!

    I'll try to keep this really brief; feel free to email me for more in depth information!

    Based on your wants, you'll want to look into one of the folding wheels: Lendrum (original), Ashford Joy and the following 'regular' wheels: Fricke S-160 and the Louet S17. The Lendrum and Ashford are the more expensive models, so you'll have to weigh that compared to the advantages/disadvantages of the other models. Also think about accessories you'll need: extra bobbins, additional flyers, etc.

    One really great source for info is www.thewoolery.com. They have an excellent section on how to choose the right spinning wheel for "you".

    Ultimately, try to get a wheel that has the best range of ratios for the $$. Since these items are quite pricey, I think it's best to buy one you'll never "outgrow" -- so try not to be seduced by the phrase 'great beginner's wheel'!

    Good luck! I'm still longing for my Lendrum!! I've already requested it for Christmas;)

    Oh... and TAG! You've been tagged to list 7 random things about yourself on your bloggy:) Check out my blog for the (brief) rules!

  2. DH got me a louët s10 for my bday and i love it! Did you look into the Majacraft Rose?

  3. I haven't really specifically looked at any, just saw a bunch at the wool festival. I hope to soon go to a shop over in the cities where you can try different wheels out and learn how to use them.

  4. That sounds like the best plan. See how you like the action of each wheel and then decide.

    Cool! Spinning!

  5. Sarah,

    I think I have all of the parts to mine if you want to grab a spinning book from the library and try to get the old girl going.

    I know you are looking for your own - but in the meantime Hannah is collecting dust.

